Path 12

Series of artworks by Miķelis Mūrnieks unveiled in Daugavpils

2023. gada 29. jūnijs

The series of works by artist Miķelis Mūrnieks Šodien slēgts/Closed Today has been unveiled in Daugavpils. Inspired by Imants Ziedonis’ book Me, a Human Being in the World, the artist Miķelis Mūrnieks on the canvas of the Daugavpils urban environment reflects upon the city dwellers who choose to cover the ground floor windows of buildings.

The use of urban objects and their recontextualization has been present in the author’s art since the very beginning. With five urban objects in Daugavpils, artist Miķelis Mūrnieks raises the question of how dangerous it is to turn one’s back on cities with a large proportion of ethnic minorities. The compositions of blinds on the facades of buildings resemble symbolic windows, which give rise to the hope that one day they will open and let light into the imaginary space, which we all inhabit together. “Paradoxically, in order to protect oneself from the unwanted, alienation from the everyday takes place. At a time when our eastern neighbour has inevitably created a sense of anxiety about the security of our country, the question of living in regions where the proportion of minorities and the influence of the east is greater than in the capital has gained momentum. The purpose of the compositions of blinds installed on the city walls is to remind us of whether we are able to live together and integrate ethnic minorities into the everyday life of our country,” explains Miķelis Mūrnieks.

The works of Miķelis Mūrnieks Šodien slēgts/Closed Today constitute the final contribution of contemporary artworks created by the educational direction Ziedoņa klase/Ziedonis Class of the Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli/Lightly in cooperation with the foundation Mākslai vajag telpu/Art Needs Space. The unveiling of artwork series was organized as a special walk around Daugavpils together with the artist Miķelis Mūrnieks, the teams of Ziedonis Class and the foundation Art Needs Space, as well as Daugavpils city tour guide Artūrs Fišers, thus encouraging the city’s residents to enjoy contemporary art as a journey. In total, five works of art can be viewed throughout the city of Daugavpils.

The locations:

  •  Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 13 – on the wall of the Daugavpils state city municipality institution Kultūras pārvalde (Culture Administration);
  • Nikolaja iela 9 on the facade of the art gallery Baltais zirgs (White Horse);
  • Rīgas iela 2 at the entrance of the Augšdaugava Regional Council building;
  • Saules iela 7, on the facade of the Daugavpils City Children and Youth Centre Jaunība (Youth);
  • Cietokšņa iela 61 at the entrance to the Sports Base Boksa zāle (Boxing Hall).

“In Daugavpils, we managed to realize a series of artworks, which speak about a topic which is current both for the residents of Daugavpils, as well as the inhabitants of the entire Latvia. Shutting off from others and estrangement are especially relevant for young people, as the alarming events of recent years – pandemic and war – have precipitated significant consequences on mental health and communication. I hope that this series of artworks will inspire the residents of Daugavpils to go for a walk and explore their city, simultaneously experiencing contemporary art,” Elizabete Pavlovska, head of Ziedonis Class shares her thoughts.
Ziedonis Class implements an international European Economic Area financial instrument programme project, which educates society as a whole, but especially children and young people about contemporary art. To date, works of art have also been unveiled in other Latvian municipalities – Talsi, Smiltene, Ādaži and Jelgava. More information about all the activities of the Ziedonis Class and the international project is available on the social network profiles in Facebook and Instagram.


Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli , Ziedoņa klase is implementing a project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes (project No. EEZ/2021/1/28) with the support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the period 2014–2020 programme Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation, awarded under the open call Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth.

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