A mural by the artist Jānis Šneiders has been unveiled in Jelgava
2023. gada 23. maijsThe mural or wall painting Tiešraide/Live Broadcast by the artist Jānis Šneiders has been unveiled on the facade of Jelgava Centre Elementary School, Uzvaras iela 10, Jelgava. The mural is dedicated to the theme of nature, reflecting upon the order of the world, where we depend on each other – in this world, we are like relatives.
The artwork by Jānis Šneiders Tiešraide/Live Broadcast is one of five large-format artworks created by the educational direction Ziedoņa klase (Ziedonis class) of Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli in cooperation with the foundation Mākslai vajag telpu (Art Needs Space). The mural was technically realized by the graffiti artist “KIWIE” on the approximately 6m x 13m wall of Jelgava Centre Elementary School. The theme of nature depicted in the mural bears a message about birds that have successfully adapted to urban living.
“The small house incorporated in the mural will become an interactive object of anticipation, asking questions – who, when and whether someone will settle inside? The bird-house is specially intended for starlings, and on the opening day we already saw the first curious ones! There is a beautiful contrast between the real sky overhead and the illusory one on the wall, between the changing and the frozen. It is as if the wall is a fragment of the sky – a piece of a cloudy day that has fallen and stuck into the ground,” Jānis Šneiders explains the idea of the mural. After the ceremonial unveiling of the mural, the pupils participated in a creative workshop with the artist and created their own maps of the sky.
“I am delighted that contemporary art has entered Jelgava in particular, and from now on, the town’s residents, especially the pupils of the Jelgava Centre Elementary School, every day will have a chance to observe the life of this art work and participate in it. The topic raised by Jānis Šneiders about the order of things in the world and life on this earth is very sincere and relevant,” says Elizabete Pavlovska, head of Ziedoņa klase.
Ziedoņa klase implements an international European Economic Area financial instrument programme project educating children and young people about contemporary art. To date, murals have been unveiled in several municipalities of Latvia – the work of artist Luīze Rukšāne Par atcerēšanos/On Remembering on the wall of the Smiltene Culture Centre, the mural Kopā/Together by artist Zīle Ziemele decorates the facade of Talsi Art School, and the mural Tādi kā radi/Somewhat like relatives by artist Ance Eikena on the wall of Ādaži Secondary School. It is planned that this spring Ziedoņa klase will unveil another mural in a city of the Latgale region and hold culture education classes for pupils about contemporary culture.
More information about all the activities of Ziedoņa klase and the international project is available on the social networks Facebook and Instagram.
Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli , Ziedoņa klase is implementing a project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes (project No. EEZ/2021/1/28) with the support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the period 2014–2020 programme Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation, awarded under the open call Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth.
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