Path 12

Creative workshops at Talsi Secondary School No. 2

2023. gada 25. janvāris

On 18 January, the team of Ziedoņa klaseZiedonis Class – the educational direction of Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli (Lightly) visited the 12th-year pupils of Talsi Secondary School No. 2. Implementing the European Economic Area project, the Foundation Viegli and Ziedonis Class explored the thoughts of young people about contemporary art and culture, and sought answers to various questions about the best ways to acquire knowledge about this topic.

The artist Zīle Ziemele and Artūrs Jenots, an expert in working with young people, visited the school together with the team of Ziedonis Class. Zīle and Artūrs led creative workshops for the twelfth-year pupils to gain an insight into the expectations and needs of young people regarding contemporary art and culture. Artist Zīle Ziemele, whose large-format mural Kopā/”Together”was unveiled on the wall of Talsi Art School this summer, introduced the students to Latvian contemporary artists and their current creative activities. The pupils had to perform an interesting task, trying to assume the role of art exhibition curators and create their own exhibition concepts. On the other hand, Artūrs Jenots used various creative thinking methods so that the students could have a discussion among themselves about what subjects, in what classrooms at school, they could learn, for example, contemporary theatre or another art direction.

“In Talsi, our team met with open and responsive secondary school pupils who relentlessly generated ideas on how to acquire contemporary culture at school. We gained an insight into what young people already know about contemporary art and culture, as well as the things they would like to know and experience. We hope that these creative workshops were not only very valuable and educational for us, but also encouraged and inspired the young people for this school year,” says Elizabete Pavlovska, the head of Ziedonis Class about the creative workshops.

It is planned that this year there will be three more creative workshops with pupils in all those cities and towns of Latvia, where murals have been created as part of the European Economic Area project. Find out more about the project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes, which is supported by European Economic Area Financial Mechanism on the social networks – Ziedonis Class Facebook and Instagram profiles.


Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli , Ziedoņa klase is implementing a project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes (project No. EEZ/2021/1/28) with the support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the period 2014–2020 programme Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation, awarded under the open call Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth.

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