Path 12

Ziedonis Class implements the EEA and Norway grant project

2022. gada 21. jūnijs

Since the beginning of 2022, Ziedoņa klaseZiedonis Class – the educational direction of Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli (Lightly) implements the project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes. The aim of the project is to educate children and young people about contemporary art and culture, as well as to promote involvement in cultural and artistic processes.

In order to educate the society as a whole and awaken public interest, in the spring and summer of 2022, Latvian artists will create interactive objects of contemporary art in five regions of Latvia. Furthermore, the project will offer opportunities to children and young people to experience specially designed workshops where they will learn more about contemporary art, culture and its development today.

In September 2022 the project team is set to go on an expedition to Norway to explore the Norwegian approach and experience to acquisition of culture offered to children and youth – The Cultural Schoolbag Nordland. Norway will host the exchange of experience regarding creation of cultural products for schoolchildren and the contemporary culture trends in Latvia, Norway and worldwide.

At the conclusion of the project, Ziedoņa klase will create four cultural education lessons and additional materials about professional contemporary art and culture. Schoolchildren, educational experts and artists will take part in creating high-quality cultural education content, thus advancing schoolchildren’s understanding of the writer Imants Ziedonis and contemporary art. Ziedoņa klase implements the project in cooperation with the foundation Art Needs Space.

Project manager Elizabete Pavlovska tells us more about the project: “We are pleased to start a new round in the development of outstanding cultural education content. This project gives us the opportunity to both expand our horizons and create lasting values in contemporary culture!”


Imants Ziedonis Foundation Viegli educational direction Ziedoņa klase is implementing a project “Me, A Human Being in the World”, A Tool for Fostering Contemporary Culture Processes with the support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the period 2014–2020 programme Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation (project No. EEZ/2021/1/28) ), awarded under the open call Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth in the amount of 201 843.20 EUR.

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